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Conquest: Sorcerer Kings - Favored of Hormus (Mahut Rider)

Code: PARPBSK706
Manufacturer: Para Bellum Wargames Ltd.
Conquest: Sorcerer Kings - Favored of Hormus (Mahut Rider)

SRP: $24.99
Cost: please inquire
1 Resin Miniature, (her Mahut is her base) and 1 Command Card

All who serve the Sorcerer Kings seek to earn their praise and favor. Those who succeed in doing this are often granted power, knowledge and wealth beyond their wildest dreams. However most of those who please Hormus are instead granted one of his countless stone elephants as a means of conveyance and mark of their status, a mark whose perceived value diminishes as it is awarded again and again and again… However, none of those who have had their life saved by these enduring stone brutes fail to see their value.

Miniatures are supplied unpainted and assembly may be required.
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